Naming Your Notes

Accuracy is required for proper documentation

Your Attention to the Naming of Your Client Files Ensures Accuracy and Speed of Processing

Your notes are used for Payroll Verification, Billing Documentation and Auditing Purposes. Naming them correctly keeps us compliant and moving forward, speeding up the time we can spend serving our clients.

Intake Forms

LName, FName MM.DD.YY Intake Forms
Doe, John 01.10.18 Intake Forms

If the forms are uploaded as separate sections, replace the words "Intake Forms" with the name of the document being uploaded
LName, FName MM.DD.YY Initial Assessment
(or FaceSheet/ROI/HIPPA...etc.)

If multiple pages are scanned and loaded for a single intake
add 1of3, 2of3...etc. as applicable
Doe, John 01.10.18 Intake Forms 2of3

Session Notes

Doe, John 140 01.01.18

ADDING the session count to the end of the name helps keep track of your units used (#)
Doe, John 140 01.01.18 (3)

If the Note is incomplete add the missing item to the end of the Note name
Doe, John 140 01.01.18 (3) - NOT SIGNED

Monthly Treatment Updates

MM-YY LName, FName (Date Signed) Monthly Treatment Update
01-18 Doe, John 02.10.18 Monthly Treatment Update

These are DUE by the 10th of the month

Include in the update, date emailed to PO or Case Manager

Discharge Summaries

LName, FName MM.DD.YY Discharge Summary
Doe, John 03.20.18 Discharge Summary

These are DUE within 30 days of closing/termination of a client.

Ensure Signed, Dated and Emailed to PO or Case Manager.

How Can We Help You Today?

Or we’d love to hear from you. to send us a message or schedule an appointment, please use the following form or call us at (480) 818-4148.